Wellness retreats have become more popular in recent years. However, their costs can be quite high. Insurance offers a solution for covering these costs. In this read, we’ll look at the wellness retreats covered by insurance.
1. Plastic Surgery
Whether insurance covers plastic surgery has no clear-cut answer. Several factors go into determining whether a procedure is covered by insurance or not. The insurance company’s assessment of the procedure’s medical necessity is often the deciding factor. Purely cosmetic procedures aren’t covered by insurance.
For instance, face lift surgeries to address cosmetic signs of aging aren’t eligible for insurance coverage. There’s no specific procedure that’s ‘often’ covered by insurance, as the coverage decisions and details vary from case to case. However, some of the cosmetic procedures with justifiable medical reasons for insurance coverage consideration include:
Skin removal: While some insurance providers may cover weight loss surgery, after-weight-loss procedures are typically categorized as cosmetic and, unfortunately, not covered. Occasionally, though, the extra skin that develops following weight reduction may become problematic enough that removing it is deemed medically necessary. Your insurance provider may cover panniculectomy when hanging lower abdomen skin makes a patient experience recurrent infections or painful rashes.
Breast reduction: A breast reduction surgery offers a solution for women who suffer from chronic and incapacitating back pain, skin rash, or other medical problems linked to heavy or overly large breasts. If an insurance provider deems the patient’s symptoms to hinder her daily life, the procedure is considered necessary and may be partially or fully covered.
Rhinoplasty: Rhinoplasty, often referred to as a nose job, makes for an interesting case as patients primarily have the procedure done for medical/functional reasons but enjoy the cosmetic benefits secondarily. A significant number of people undergo rhinoplasty to address small nostrils, a deviated septum, or other mechanical issues that obstruct nasal airflow, causing sleep apnea and difficulties in breathing. In most of these situations, rhinoplasty is deemed medically necessary and, in turn, is covered by insurance.
2. Aquatic Therapy
Physical therapy carried out in an aquatic setting is known as aquatic therapy. If you or a loved one suffers from a neuromuscular or musculoskeletal disorder that limits the use of conventional physical therapy techniques, aquatic physical therapy can offer a solution. Depending on your diagnosis and individual treatment plan, an aquatic therapy appointment typically runs between 30 and 45 minutes.
You don’t have to know how to swim for aquatic therapy. During an aquatic therapy session, the water’s buoyancy and resistance help patients strengthen joints and muscles, restore posture, and gain balance without placing excessive strain on the body. The benefits of aquatic therapy are clear, but does insurance cover it?
Medicare covers medically necessary treatments like physical therapy and supplies if you have Part B Original Medicare (Medical Insurance) or are registered in a Medicare Advantage plan (Part C). According to Medicare, aquatic therapy is a legitimate form of physical therapy. When you’ve met your yearly Part B deductible, you’ll probably have to pay a 20% coinsurance with Original Medicare Part B. Although Medicare Advantage plans and Original Medicare Parts A and B cover the same benefits, the former typically include additional coverage. Review your plan to find out the specifics of your plan’s coverage for aquatic physical therapy sessions.
If your medical professional recommends aquatic therapy, confirm whether your facility and provider accept assignment and are Medicare-approved. Medicare mandates that outpatient therapy occur at:
- Doctor’s or therapist offices
- Comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities (CORFs)
- Skilled nursing facility for outpatients
Physical therapists can administer aquatic physical therapy in their clinic, a rented facility, or a private facility. If performed in a public pool, it must solely be used for the patient’s private appointment during the duration of the aquatic therapy session. If you’re receiving at-home aquatic therapy, note that Medicare won’t cover expenses such as pool leak repair, you’ll need home insurance.
3. Pelvic Treatments
A specialty area of health care, pelvic floor physical therapy is performed by physical therapists who have received further training in pelvic floor assessment and treatments such as emsella treatment. This type of therapy addresses issues such as post-surgical rehabilitation, post-gynecological and breast rehabilitation, post-prostatectomy issues, pregnancy and postpartum issues, vulva and vestibular issues, pelvic pain, constipation, and urinary and fecal incontinence. Pelvic floor issues are common in females.
In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, 24% of genetic females will develop pelvic floor issues at some point in their lives. Pelvic floor treatment costs vary widely, ranging from a few thousand to a few hundred dollars. Given pelvic floor dysfunction’s prevalence and seriousness, public and private insurance policies often cover therapy. However, it’s important to note that physical therapy costs are typically not as adequately covered as other medical costs. For instance, there is a $1,900 annual restriction on the amount Medicare covers for physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction.
In other words, when treatment expenses exceed $1900, certain Medicare beneficiaries must pay out-of-pocket for physical therapy. Some private insurance providers also place a cap on the number of sessions patients may receive from a physical therapist or even demand that patients show proof of improvement before they can continue receiving coverage. Every plan is unique, and certain physical therapists specializing in the pelvic floor are in-network with some insurance companies while others aren’t. Contact your insurance provider to confirm whether your pelvic floor treatment will be eligible for coverage, or call your therapist to verify the out-of-pocket costs.
Some physical therapists practice in out-of-network, cash-only clinics that don’t take insurance. Most of these physical therapists can give you an invoice, after which you can independently request reimbursement from your insurance provider. Note that the prices in out-of-network, cash-only clinics vary.
4. Hair Treatments
A famous saying goes, ‘your hair is your crown.’ This is due to the fact that your hair not only covers the top of your head but also significantly impacts your appearance. People use hair as a way of expressing their style and personality. It’s common for people to change their hairdo upon entering a new chapter of their lives. A quick search on the internet will reveal innumerable hair care tips meant to help lessen or cure hair loss or to prevent or reverse grey hair.
This demonstrates how essential hair is to how we look and feel about ourselves. Regrettably, health insurance does not provide coverage for hair loss treatment. If other medical conditions like PCOS, Trichotillomania, or thyroid disease are to blame for your hair loss, then your health insurance provider may cover treatment for those illnesses.
Your hair loss issue may eventually get reversed by addressing those illnesses. There are several reasons why hair loss treatment is typically not covered by health insurance. These include:
It’s not life-threatening: Hair loss isn’t considered life-threatening. Insurance companies prioritize coverage for medical expenses associated with injuries or illnesses. They believe hair loss isn’t significant enough to merit coverage.
It’s cosmetic: For most insurance companies, hair loss treatment falls under the ‘cosmetic’ category. Hair transplant surgery carried out at a hair transplant clinic, which may cost anywhere from $3000 to over $15,000, according to GoodRx Health, is deemed a cosmetic procedure. It’s typically not covered by health insurance.
Prevalence of alopecia: It’s estimated that over 50% of men and over 40% of women suffer hair loss by the time their 50 years old. In the U.S. alone, alopecia areata affects 6.8 million people. Considering the prevalence of hair loss, the ‘at-risk’ population is significant. Providing coverage for the same would cost insurance companies a lot of money in payouts each year. For this reason, insurance companies would rather save that money for serious diseases and disabilities.
5. Specialty Orthodontics
Both kids and adults desire straight teeth. Orthodontics is a specialist area of dentistry that deals with addressing misaligned jaws and teeth. This field covers spacers, retainers, braces, and similar treatments. While some dental insurance providers give benefits that include orthodontic treatment, others don’t. There are several ways you can go about financing orthodontics services, such as those of an Invisalign orthodontist. These include:
Dental insurance provided by your employer: Most employers include dental insurance in their health care package. Your employer will decide which dental services are included under the dental plan in this sort of coverage and may not include orthodontics. In some cases, it may be included but only apply to children below 18 years of age.
If your employer provides this coverage, talk to your employer to learn more about the fine details. Look into waiting periods or lifetime limits. Confirm whether certain types of braces aren’t covered and whether you’re restricted to working with an orthodontist who’s within your insurer’s network.
Private dental insurance plans: An increasing number of health insurance providers now provide individual dental insurance to meet the unique needs of clients. However, note that orthodontics coverage may not come standard with a private dental plan. Before making a purchase, carefully consider what the coverage can and can’t cover. Having a certified and experienced insurance agent at your side can help you make sense of the fine details.
Dental discount plans: This financing option is also known as a savings plan. It’s not really insurance, but it’ll allow you to obtain orthodontic services at reduced rates. You only need to pay a small yearly fee to join, and then you can take advantage of discounted dental services from a network of participating dentists. With this plan, savings for adult braces and other orthodontic care treatments can vary from 10% to 20%. Dental discount plans are a practical solution if you already have dental insurance, but it doesn’t cover orthodontic care.
6. Prenatal Care
Prenatal care includes any services you receive related to your pregnancy. This means the care you get from the first time you discover you’re pregnant to the time you deliver your baby. Prenatal care services include routine check-ups with your midwife or OB-GYN, ultrasounds and other imaging services, and lab tests, which work to promote better patient outcomes. Even if you were expecting before your health coverage kicked in, these services must be covered by all eligible health insurance plans.
Consult your doctor and health insurance provider for comprehensive information on the services your plan covers. If you see a provider who’s included on the list of healthcare professionals that your health insurance helps cover (often known as ‘your network’), you’ll not be required to pay anything for prenatal care services. Your insurer won’t cover the costs if the provider isn’t in your network, which can really add up
In the first trimester, you might be considering prenatal genetic testing. These tests diagnose or screen for birth defects. Prenatal genetic testing isn’t always considered a standard test, so you’ll likely be required to pay for this service in full or in part. Contact your insurance company to establish what your plan covers.
7. In-Network Providers
As you shop for insurance plans, you’ll come across the term in-network providers or network providers a lot, and you may be wondering what it means. An in-network provider is a healthcare provider who’s signed a contract with an insurance carrier and provides care to those enrolled in their plan at a discounted rate. Insurance companies negotiate rates with healthcare providers for their members, giving them access to healthcare at lower costs.
When a healthcare provider is in-network, they’ve agreed to the insurance company’s contracted rates for covered services. On the other hand, an out-of-network provider doesn’t have a contract with the insurance carrier and could bill more for their services. You can still obtain care from an out-of-network physician, but you’ll probably be on the hook for a bigger chunk of the bill.
A common misconception is that Christian insurance companies only contract Christian hospitals. While they may have a preference for Christian healthcare providers, they also contact secular clinics, hospitals, and other medical facilities. However, you need to be a Christian to qualify for their insurance coverage.
Some wellness retreats are covered by insurance, while others aren’t. Generally, it comes down to the nature of the service you’re seeking and your insurance provider. Use this read as a guide for wellness retreats you can cover.